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Customer service

Our main values are: close cooperation with customers and service that ensures optimal support at each stage of order realisation.

The Customer Service Office therefore:

  • has thorough information about our product offer
  • helps the users to select assortment
  • sets the dates of goods delivery
  • monitors the realisation of orders

All sales tasks are executed on the basis of well organised and planned logistics. The complete process is accompanied by effective internal and external communication.

Thanks to the storage continuity the offered products are characterised by the high availability and the placed orders – the fast realisation.


Central and Eastern Europe

Poland: +48 22 444 73 46
Germany: +48 22 444 75 80
Russia: +7 495 640 15 88
Ukraine, Belarus, Kaliningrad, Moldova, Armenia, Kirgistan: +48 22 444 75 26
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia: +48 22 444 72 27
Azerbaijan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan: +48 22 444 75 25

Southeast Europe: +385 99 536 4803
Hungary, Romania: +385 99 495 9645

Western Europe

France, Belgium: +48 22 444 73 79
Spain, Portugal: +48 22 444 73 77,  +34 960 468 666
United Kingdom: +48 22 444 73 66

Why Högert Technik

Durability guarantee / German quality

The careful selection of the highest quality raw materials and the world-class production process guarantee minor wear and long durability of our products.

Quality confirmed
by certificates

Our products meet the strict DIN and VDE standards, which guarantees the highest quality of metals. It has been confirmed by numerous certificates, such as TÜV and VDE. The cutting and grinding discs, on the other hand, are certified by the OSA organization.

Trusted by thousands
of Poles

For years, Högert Technik products have been available in 1300 stores throughout Poland.


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    The above information is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of Art. 66 §1 of the Civil Code – for more details, please contact our advisor.